It is key to study the viability of the invention.

Hi, friend:

I know you're convinced that your invention works.
I also know that you have little interest in investing money in studying the viability of the invention.
Well. 70% of the inventors we work with have that blind FE because they have been fed with a couple of drawings in the patent company on duty. 
Be careful, friend, from the memory of the Utility Model to reality, there is quite a long way to go. 
This month we received a client who intends to develop a super interesting robot for the world of hospitality. 
The truth is that the functions it aims to achieve can be achieved with more than 5 technologies available on the market. 
It is also true that in the patent company, they have NOT broken their heads too much. They chose one of the paths and this is how they described them in the famous memory. 
Without measuring the consequences!
After this client's vote of confidence, we have budgeted the work in two stages:
  1. Study of feasibility of the invention and basic engineering project.
  2. Design and manufacture of the prototype. 
Do you want to know the first conclusions?
From the first stage. Yes, in the same feasibility study and engineering project, we have been able to conclude that: if we manufacture the machine as described in the patent, it is likely to work, but replicating the machine will cost €4,800 more than using available technologies that we have found. 
You must be very clear that: the more you invest in the prototype, the result multiplies your opportunities in the market.
While it is true that our commitment is to achieve a functional prototype, it is also true that we ensure the viability of the product in the future. 
Friend, if in this process, you are accompanied by professionals who forget that your product has to be the basis of a business. 
We're going bad!
In the same engineering project, from laboratory tests, we were able to conclude the shapes of the machine, integration between processes, democratized electronic components in the market, as well as parts and pieces that can be easily replicated in the market. 
At first, Carlos, our client, suspected that the engineering project was a superfluous expense. I completely rejected this stage. 
He came to tell us, "... "there is (name of a Let's Prototoype competitor) in charge, so, either you budget for the manufacturing of the prototype of my machine without so much fuss, or I'm going to the competition..."
Friend, in that case, we could have listened to Carlos and pleased him. 
Overall, one more customer is always good. But we can't afford bungles. 
I explain it to you with complete clarity. 
The formula is simple:
Prototype price = Cost of materials + engineering hours + Risk of iterations in the process. 
We are talking about products that have not been made before, therefore, the risk associated with continuous changes in the prototyping process is brutal.
The feasibility study and prior engineering project is the only tool that allows controlling the “Risk of iterations in the process” therefore, manufacturing the prototype, with this background, may cost up to 40% cheaper. 
How do we do it at Let's Prototype?
First of all, we only propose this type of studies in prototypes where we suspect that there is much to improve on the initial approach.
If we do not see clear improvements on your initial idea, we directly budget for the manufacturing of the functional prototype, with a completely fixed price. 
Now, what is very important is the content of the feasibility study and engineering project. Therefore, it is important that you review the main aspects before accepting them:
  1. The scope of the investigation must be defined. 
  2. The hypotheses or problems to be solved must appear, black on white. 
  3. The practical experiments that are planned should be described, or at least mentioned. 
The estimated time for the development of the study must appear in the budget. 

At least the following must be defined with maximum clarity: the details associated with the deliverable material, since it is, ultimately, the product resulting from the first stage. 

So that we understand each other, the engineering project to which we refer is undoubtedly the recipe for achieving the best possible prototype, both technologically and economically. 

Do you want us to carry out a study on your invention? It would be a very good step to start working together. 

Remember... With these tips, I don't intend to sell you anything. 
I am only fulfilling my commitment to support our community of inventors. Of which you are part.
Warm regards

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Erick Remedios Muiños