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How to create a product to sell?

I am aware of the time you dedicate to finding sources of inspiration to create a product for sale. Many entrepreneurs and inventors make the decision to pursue their financial freedom through a business model based on the sale of a new product.

In these days, I have been dedicated to reading the best articles and opinions on the internet about optimal methods to identify or create new products for sale. The truth is that I was unpleasantly surprised, as in most cases, the 'experts' agree that the most important thing is to be able to create a new need in the market.

Inventors, entrepreneurs from our Let's Prototype family. There is nothing further from the truth.

Let's consider entirely disruptive technologies that allow us to determine whether their inventors truly created the 'new need' or if they were able to comprehend existing needs and design and create a new product with a completely unique value proposition.

As the great Henry Ford once said: "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."

Appealing to your common sense, you would agree that Mr. Ford didn't create a new market need to sell his first motor vehicle. The need already existed: users wanted and needed to travel faster from one point to another. Mr. Ford understood this need and opened his eyes and mind to design and manufacture a new product.

Another clear example can be seen in the case of Apple's famous iPods that took the world by storm. Perhaps you don't recall it, so I'll provide an image to jog your memory. :)

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inventar productos del futuro que no existen

Do you believe that Mr. Jobs created a new market need to succeed with his new product in the market?

Absolutely NOT 

Users already had and expressed the need to listen to music while on the go, to have a wide variety of music, and also to listen to whatever they felt like at any given moment. 

Let's remember, before the iPod, we had standalone radios with headphones that allowed us to listen to content while on the move, but without the ability to choose what we really wanted to hear. To give us more freedom, the famous Walkman appeared, allowing us to listen to our own music, albeit with a cassette limited in time and with dimensions that provided mobility but with limited options. Battery autonomy was another challenge to address. This product became so ingrained in our hearts that there are currently replicas of its original form that continue to be successfully marketed View product on Amazon

In order to provide us with more freedom, the Discman emerged, a device that became a part of our lives, with better battery autonomy and greater freedom to choose our music, thanks to the capacity of CDs. They became an inseparable part of certain generations. So much so that even today, almost appealing to the emotions of those who enjoyed them, they continue to be sold on platforms.

Seriously, do you still believe that Mr. Jobs created the need in order to create a new product?

El iPod fue una auténtica revolución, su diseño compacto facilitaba su uso y transporte, su capacidad de reproducción de archivos mp3, multiplicaba la cantidad de canciones que podíamos tener en nuestros dispositivos, por primera vez podíamos elegir en una nube cualquier canción y comprarla en el lugar y momento que realmente nos apetecía, podríamos conectar el dispositivo a cualquier amplificador y llevar a cada lugar la música preferida. Ni más ni menos, las mismas necesidades que habían visto antes; Andreas Pavel (inventor de la Walkman) y los diseñadores de nuevos productos tecnológicos de Sony, a quienes se les atribuye la creación de la Discman. 

Jobs combined the most advanced ingredients of technology to solve, in a distinct way, a need that was more than evident in the market. 

Therefore, inventors, entrepreneurs, holding onto the reality that you will be able to create a new need and then design and manufacture a new product to sell is far from being a possibility and, furthermore, it is an incorrect way to approach the strategy for creating a new product to sell.


Other highly significant findings in my internet search for identifying useful methods to create a product for sale referred to the numerous tools for comparing products and their sales trends through Amazon, Aliexpress, and other leading marketplaces or platforms for product sales.

The promotion of these tools is accompanied by hundreds of options to train in their use and learn how to make decisions about product selection that, according to their creators, will lead you to success.

In my humble opinion, education is very valuable, and information, data even more so. Therefore, with these experts who teach us to identify and use tools to compare the best-selling products on Amazon, I agree about 50%.

Allow me to explain.

Analyzing the sales trend of a specific product, its evolution, alternatives, and leading brands in its sales is significant information when making a decision about choosing a product to sell. 

But remember, it's not the same to choose a product to sell that is already being manufactured in China, as it is to create a new product to sell.

What is better? 

Appealing once again to common sense, let's evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of copying or creating a new product.


Copying a product to sell

Creating a product to sell


Product Selection and Comparison Process for Selling, Based on Historical Data from Online Selling Platforms Such as Amazon or AliExpress 

Design and Manufacturing of a Novel Product for Sale. The Process is Defined by Identifying Unmet or Overly Saturated Needs.


Non-existent. It is manufactured in large industrial networks. While the brand is protected, the product itself is not. Anyone can alter the brand and appearance to sell it.

Whether it is a completely new product or an improvement on an existing product that adds additional functional value, it may be possible to protect it with patents or similar methods for up to 20 years.

Useful Lifespan

Limited. The business lasts as long as the product trend in the market. In the case of being an essential product, it will be conditioned by price advantages and concessions with customers.

The product can be exclusively marketed by the inventor or companies with agreements, if it becomes protected by patents. These are often products that have a slower initial launch but greater future potential

Profit and Prices

Prices are conditioned by competitive behavior. It's not possible to make significant differences on product selling platforms.

There is greater freedom in setting prices due to the exclusivity enjoyed through the attained legal protection.


Brand positioning is limited to products already common in the market. It's very difficult for the market to identify the brand with distinct traits 

It's possible to associate the brand with innovation across various products or innovative products within the same sector. The advantages of the designed product will be linked to the brand as competitive advantages.

Channel Dependency

These are products that are born with well-defined sales channels. Trends are studied from where their selection is made

These are innovative products or products with functional differences that represent advantages. This characteristic allows it to be sold exclusively through various channels, both owned and third-party stores. This is even more true if the product is patented.

Business Model

Los modelos posibles son: comprar un producto para vender, o fabricar un producto con una marca propia para vender. 

Creating a product to sell directly on platforms. Selling a product patent. Selling exploitation rights of a patent.

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We always talk about finding unmet needs in the market to come up with and create a new product to sell. The truth is, to discover those points of dissatisfaction, the product selling platforms themselves are a great source of information.

Según nuestra experiencia diseñando productos, fabricando robots, modificando productos y colaborando con abogados de patentes, identificamos algunas formas o métodos que pueden ayudarnos a identificar oportunidades de negocio:

1. Default Dissatisfaction: This is one of the most common opportunities for improvement among the individual inventors we've worked with. In most cases, they begin by comparing the best-selling products on Amazon, analyzing competing products, and the brands that stand out in the markets. Once the trends are identified and product sales data is studied, a qualitative analysis of customer reviews for these products on major product selling platforms is conducted. The most common complaints are identified, and their causes are studied. This type of analysis often leads to the process of designing and manufacturing a functional prototype that includes substantial enhancements to address the main unfavorable opinions. Simultaneously, these improvements result in new utility patents, providing exclusive protection to the inventor for 20 years, design registrations to protect the aesthetic modifications of the product, and the initiation of new business models such as patent sales or negotiation with parties interested in exploiting the patents.

2.Excessive Dissatisfaction: Using the same quantitative and subsequent qualitative analysis of product trends with growing demand on major platforms, the goal is to identify complaints or dissatisfaction related to pricing. Price dissatisfaction often arises when a user perceives their problem, need, or aspiration as not being severe or relevant enough to warrant the price associated with the product. In this case, rather than transforming a product to add improvements, inventors focus on redesigning a product to exclude features, simplify it, and turn it into a specific solution for the precise problem valued by customers. Inventors often fall into what we've colloquially referred to as the "BECAUSE" theory internally: "Well, since we're at it, let's add a function, and while we're at it, let's add another function"… Such behaviors in the product creation process are usually counterproductive and, if not corrected, can result in a product entering the market as uncompetitive. This scenario presents a great opportunity for other entrepreneurs or inventors in the process of creating a product to sell. In summary, when dissatisfaction arises due to excessive product features, the objective is to streamline and iterate on how the core problem is addressed, resulting in a simpler yet innovative product with the potential to be patented.

3.Democratization of New Technologies or Products in the Market: The democratization or popularization of new products in the market often presents an opportunity for designing and creating complementary products. Complementary products are those that enhance the use of a specific product. In their value proposition, they typically offer greater ergonomics, protection, or they might simply be aspirational products focused on addressing the user's need for recognition.

A clear example of novel products born from other successful technologies or products is mobile phone cases and accessories. At Let's Prototype, we manufacture an average of 10 innovative products for mobile phones, ideas from individual inventors who recognize the need to stand out, register new designs, and launch their own products in the market. To cite another clear example, the popularization of electric vehicles has led some inventors to ideate and patent solutions to prevent damage to charging cables while making their deployment and retrieval more convenient. These prototypes have been designed and manufactured in our invention manufacturing laboratory. Similarly, other inventors launched a product capable of blocking and unblocking spaces designated for the charging of these vehicles, preventing fraudulent parking in these spots.


You don't have to be a genius to create an innovative product and sell it in the market.

Far from needing incalculable technological skills, the primary tool for successfully launching a product to the market is observation. Therefore, instead of seeing barriers in the process of designing and creating a new product, you should train your skills to study user behavior and thus draw inspiration from product improvement options that, in turn, represent a clear business opportunity.

En segundo lugar, estoy seguro, que a estas alturas ya tienes claro que, si quieres vender un producto con éxito en el mercado, no se trata de echar ratos y tratar de vender un producto sin invertir. Aunque el camino de crear un producto para vender sea más largo y costoso que el de copiar un producto para venderlo en Amazon, a la larga, te traerá mayores recompensas y tiene muchas más probabilidades de llevarte a la libertad financiera que persigues con tanto empeño.

Do you want to turn your idea into a product?

The time to bring your ideas to life is now. We accompany you throughout the entire process: from idea to product.



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Erick Remedios