Product Design | Prototype Manufacturing | Patents

The best team of experts in product development and prototypes.
Do you want to turn your invention into a winning product?

5 Steps for Manufacturing Prototypes

Everything you tell us will be confidential. We understand the importance of secrecy in obtaining patents and distinguishing yourself in the market.

Request NDA

We will study your idea to define the important requirements. This will allow us to design products that align with your concept

Within 72 hours, you will have a firm quote. With whatever amount we indicate, we assume responsibility for meeting 100% of your prototype’s working requirements..

After initiating the manufacturing process for your working prototype, you will receive a timeline and work schedule. Each week, you will review the product development status.

The requirements list will now become a “checklist.” Together, we’ll check that 100% of the functions have been successfully delivered. We are committed to doing so as efficiently as possible.

Auto Goalkeeper

Electronic toy prototypes.
View prototypes

Lemon squeezer

Electronic prototypes
View prototypes

IoT lighting fixture

IoT Prototype Manufacturing
View prototypes

Corner post with integrated cameras.

Sports prototype manufacturing.
View prototypes

Remote analysis station.

Agrotech prototypes
View prototypes

IoT wine stopper.

Easy-open system and data transmission.
View prototypes

Aeroponics device.

Agrotech product development.
View prototypes

IoT road safety device.

IoT development specialists.
View prototypes

Pet leash with water dispenser.

Pet prototypes.
View prototypes

Drawer-step for kitchens

Mechanical prototypes.
View prototypes

IoT shelves for supermarkets.

IoT product development.
View prototypes
prototipos funcionales

We listen to your project:


Most inventors fail on their first attempt. Excessive attachment to the idea and a lack of knowledge about the necessary steps to create a product prototype are the main causes.

Do you want us to talk about this?

In the meeting, we can resolve your main questions about: Prototype manufacturing | Invention Patents | Utility Model | Industrial Design | Others Service for inventors|

They trust us



To create an invention and make money, you need information. We have prepared a practical guide for you:Guide for Inventors


Everything you save in creating an invention and prototypes are manufactured, jeopardizes the future of your project. Prototype Design


90% of inventors make mistakes when patenting inventions. They choose the worst methods or the worst time to patent.. Patents type

How much does the Prototype cost?

products development

Industrial Design Prototypes Manufacturing

Creating an invention with high chances of success is neither easy nor cheap.

Manufacturing a product that doesn't exist or improving a product requires time and steps that cannot be skipped.

  • We do NOT promise product success.
  • We do NOT rely on selling your patent so you can live in the Caribbean.

These unlikely scenarios are only advocated by those who have never completed the invention creation cycle.

In our invention factory in Madrid and electronics laboratory in Miami, we promise:

Hard work to turn your idea or patent into a real business opportunity. 

Do you want to see more than 50 ideas we have turned into reality? 

The best is yet to come!

Product Manufacturing Company

Medical prototypes


Machine learning prototypes


Home Appliance Prototypes


Wearables Prototypes


IOT Prototypes


Industrials Prototypes


Vending Machine Prototypes


Electromechanical Prototypes


AI Prototypes

tipos de prototipos

Let’s talk about your project

We’re aware of the importance of protecting information. It is for that reason that we only ask you for superficial and basic details that will allow us to assign your project in-house. 

We’ll demonstrate that your idea works

Specializing for over 15 years in the manufacture of working prototypes


Digital validation

Based on your vision, we’ll design and simulate your idea’s main functions in digital environments.


Manufacturing your prototype

We will manufacture and iterate as many times as necessary until we demonstrate the technical viability of your prototype.


Checking that it works

Using as a benchmark the working requirements list shared during the retaining process, we will check each and every detail.

Information about Prototypes & Patents

The prototype is the zero unit of an idea. It serves to demonstrate the technical and business viability of an idea.

The product prototype should be manufactured after validating the technical challenges and before patenting the invention.

Elon Musk and other investors dedicated nearly $1 billion to the research and development of Tesla vehicles.

The price of a Tesla in the market is around €30,000.

There is no proportionality between the price of a prototype and the final product price.

However, there is a direct relationship: the lower the investment in a prototype, the worse the final product prices will be.

The steps to make a prototype are:

  1. Document and demonstrate the problem.
  2. Define the technical feasibility.
  3. Build a prototype and refine it.
  4. Industrialize the product. 

The costs of a prototype are related to its technical complexity and the number of disciplines involved.

The average price of a prototype can be around €25,000. 

Sketch: Graphic design of the idea. (Between €100 and €500)

Industrial Design: Between €8,000 and €15,000. 

The difference between a sketch and industrial design is that in industrial design, you have to "invent the invention" and document how the prototype works. 

Design agencies can help you create a sketch to graphically document an idea. The prototype lab has the capability to invent an invention and make it work.

The model is a physical representation used to define shapes and geometries. Functional prototypes demonstrate the technical viability of the invention.

The patent is an exclusive right granted to an inventor for their discovery or product.

In Spain, a patent costs €10,000: 80% for advisors and 20% for state fees. Around 48% of patents are approved, as the examination rigor is quite strict.

The Utility Model is a method of protecting inventions that lack innovation. Most Utility Models registered in Spain should be protected in another way. However, few advisors find it convenient to register a patent.

The cost of a Utility Model is: €120 in fees and €1,500 for advisors. Almost 90% of utility models are approved because they lack a substantive examination.

The steps to patent are:

  1. Describe the invention.
  2. Search for prior art.
  3. Define the innovation
  4. File the patent.
  5. Wait for publication. 

If the invention brings novelty and this novelty represents an improvement for users, the invention is patentable.

For example, if I take two motorized wheels (which already exist) and introduce them for the first time into a tennis post to create a more efficient ball launcher: the invention is patentable.

There are three methods to protect an invention:

It is important to understand their differences before choosing a method to patent an invention.

Inventors' opinions

Francisco Morales Rodriguez
Francisco Morales Rodriguez
Os deseo lo mejor en esta nueva etapa, seguro k lo haréis cada día mejor. Enhorabuena por la expansión. Un saludo.
Erick Fontalvo Outumuro
Erick Fontalvo Outumuro
acudí a let's prototype con una idea de un invento que tengo en mente y la verdad son muy responsables, antes de nada se firma un documento de confidencialidad de ambas partes. La atención ha sido profesional, atenta, responsable y sobre todo no te venden gato por liebre. Muchas gracias Erick a ti y a todo tu equipo. Un saludo.
Juan Ramón Segarra Martínez
Juan Ramón Segarra Martínez
Erik me ha tratado con mucha amabilidad y ofreciéndome todas las explicaciones pertinentes con mucho agrado. Sin duda alguna, así es fácil optar por ellos.
Juan Mamuel Planes Marco
Juan Mamuel Planes Marco
Me han ayudado muchísimo en encaminar mi idea y guiarme para comenzar mi proyecto Robotico. Muchas gracias por el trato y por la atención tan personalizada.
Nico “Imán” G
Nico “Imán” G
Thanks a lot Let's Prototype for your support with my invention, you did me belive in it more and more ! Many thanks for your weekly email with precious advice! keep send it please! Good luck in yours new adventure in the states ! See ya soon! Nicola
Jesús Gavilán Hormigo
Jesús Gavilán Hormigo
Excelentes profesionales. Trato personalizado, atento y cercano, ofreciendo gran variedad de soluciones en el desarrollo de prototipos, software y de modelos de negocio. Muy completos y con un coste muy competitivo.
Diana Germán
Diana Germán
Muy profesionales, aclaran todas tus dudas en relación a tu proyecto y son muy transparente a la hora de decirte si esa idea funciona o no, yo los recomiendo 100%
Doba Capin
Doba Capin
Dao Cima

Management team

Jaime Andrés Bedia García - Presidente Let´s Prototype

Jaime Bedia


A visionary, entrepreneur and private investor in over 20 businesses throughout his 40-year professional career, Jaime Andrés graduated with an Industrial Expert degree from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and with a Licentiate degree in Economics and Business from Universidad Complutense. He has founded maintenance companies and small industries for the construction and aerospace sectors, among others, developing a multinational presence in more than five countries. 

Product Design and Manufacturing

Iván Bedia


An entrepreneur, private investor and passionate about industrial engineering and product design, Iván has founded and helmed, over the course of two decades, companies related to the field of aeronautical maintenance, as well as private investment management and strategic consulting firms. He brings to each project a large dose of business vision and industrial feasibility of great relevance to the immediate future of each project. He has an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and an MBA from IE Business School.

Erick Remedios. Fabricación de prototipos funcionales.

Erick Remedios Muiños

Business Director

After a decade supporting entrepreneurs in start-up and innovative solution marketing processes (which activity he still conducts through BusinessInFact, S.A.) he now devotes 25 hours a day to supporting each and every one of Let’s Prototype clients, ensuring in each case the delivery of prototypes that are not just innovative, but also backed by sufficient sales arguments. He graduated with an undergraduate degree in Communications from Universidad de La Habana and earned a Master in B2B Communications from URJC.

Inventor, this letter is for you:

If someone has ever looked at you with a “funny” face or if you’ve felt like you don’t fit in in your professional and/or family environment, you’ve come to the right place! We have been working for over a decade with inventors who, like you, were born to create solutions to problems that any other person would overlook.

We are aware of the time and effort you’ve devoted to defining or patenting the idea, as well as the level of “disinformation” that may plague you when you decide to demonstrate its technical feasibility. If we’re in contact with one another, it’s because you’ve already discovered two things: the industry is not the optimal partner to design and manufacture your first prototype, and patent companies cannot lend you a hand at this stage.

Although it may sound right to define us as the “Macrocompany” of prototypes in Europe, the truth is that Let’s Prototype is an MSME with just 10 engineers in various specialized areas, joined by a common passion to face challenges head-on, regardless of the industry or complexity.

If you’d like to know us better and learn about our work method, just click >Here <


Erick Remedios Muiños

Business Director

Erick Remedios Muiños

Product design firms

Madrid, España

Miami, USA

ISO 9001:2015

First ISO 9001:2015-certified engineering firm specializing in the manufacture of working prototypes and pre-series.

laboratorio de prototipos certificado por la ISO

Keys Miami - DADE

Awarded the keys to Miami-Dade County on January 14, 2025 by County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. 

Desarrollo de productos en Miami