Invention PATENT Management

All the information about invention patents that you need to know before taking the first step

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We manage patents for inventions

Steps to apply for a PCT

PCT Filing: The inventor or their intellectual property advisor must submit the PCT application document to an Official Patent Office, in a single language, and must provide proof of having paid the applicable fees.

Official Prior Art Search: After the submission of the international patent application through the PCT, an official institution affiliated with the global office of patents and trademarks will conduct a prior art search. In this search, the "ISA" experts will analyze the innovation claims of the originating patent in order to assess the novelty of the invention.

First Global Publication: The specification used to apply for the PCT or international patent, after being analyzed and its background studied, will be published in the international invention disclosure files. This step will take place 18 months after the PCT application date.

Optional Analysis: The inventor or intellectual property advisor may request an optional analysis of the PCT. This is a secondary and thorough study on the patentability of the invention intended for international protection.

Patent by Country: As previously explained, whether through the ordinary method of the Paris Convention or via the PCT procedure, the registration of an invention in multiple countries must be requested through the examination of the patent in each country where protection for the invention is sought. Therefore, at this stage, the inventor must choose the countries where their invention will be examined.


Intended protection time of a PCT

The PCT is not an international patent but a streamlined procedure that allows for some savings on the costs of adapting the patent specification that the inventor intends to register in certain countries. Indeed, once initiated, this procedure maintains the priority of the patent in question for 30 months in any country that is part of the agreement. However, the PCT itself is not a patent and does not guarantee that the patent will be approved in the countries of interest to the inventor.

Cost of a PCT

Filing a PCT usually costs between $5,000 and $8,000. The PCT is not an international patent but a necessary procedure to protect an invention in other countries. It is important for the inventor to always keep in mind that, even with an approved PCT, in 30 months, they must choose the countries where they wish to register their patent and, from that moment, will need to pay the internationalization fees for the patent in each destination.

Therefore, the registration of an international patent will have two parts and, in turn, two blocks of costs for the inventor. The PCT procedure and the patent procedure in each country chosen by the inventor.

Approximate costs of the PCT

PCT Procedure

Patent by Country

Filing: €1300

Translation expenses: between €500 and €1,000

Prior art search: between €400 and €2,000

Filing fees: vary by country. 

Receiving Patent Office transmission fee: €200 

Patent Maintenance Fee by Country

Patent Attorney or Consultant Fees.

Patent Attorney or Consultant Fees.


Calculate the Value of Your Patent

Are you ready to find out the estimated value of your Patent or Utility Model?

What are invention patents useful for?

If you become the holder of a patent for an invention, you will be able to commercially exploit the invention exclusively. Just as you read, invention patents allow you to be the only one authorized to exploit your idea.

Invention patents allow you to develop multiple business models around your invention. You can sell your products directly, partner with potential industrial collaborators, or charge for the exploitation rights of your patent.

It can't be said any louder, but it can be said clearer: Invention patents are NOT sufficient to capture the interest of investors or industrial partners. It is crucial that the patent is always accompanied by a working prototype resembling the final product. Presenting your invention solely with the patent is a waste of time and money.

Let's talk about your invention

Don't waste your money, register a patent only if necessary. Book a free meeting now with a patent and invention expert.

"We patent inventions with you"

We work with you to patent your invention

patentes de inventos


We will analyze and document your idea for free. Also, if you let us, we will give you our vision as business consultants.

estudios de viabilidad de inventos


We identify patents similar to your invention or teach you how to do it for free.

documentos patentes de inventos


We will prepare together with you the necessary documents to patent your invention. We will select the form that best suits your case.

patentes - patentes de inventos


We present and monitor the entire process, until you get your patent. We will accompany you at all times.

Shall we comment on your invention?

Our business is not to patent your invention, it is to make it a reality

Registering patents on inventions has become big business. But it's not ours. In Let's Prototype you will find an ally to turn your idea into a profitable business.

Steps to Manage Invention Patents

Analysis of the Idea or Invention

If you want to assess the feasibility of an invention and its business potential, we will conduct an analysis of product sales or similar inventions on major platforms, both in Europe and in the United States.

We can also assess the technical feasibility of an invention. We will determine the electronic components and forms that would allow achieving the functions and improvements you propose. This way, we can determine if an invention is viable.

The team of engineers and business and marketing personnel will work together on designing the preliminary strategy to protect or patent the invention in question.

50% of the inventors working with Let's Prototype are individuals or small businesses. For this reason, we always work with fully closed budgets in all cases. It is essential for us that clients have a complete understanding of the economic impact of the invention's development and patent strategy.

We want to bring your ideas to life


You can now access over 30 examples of prototypes designed and manufactured in our lab

patentar una idea en usa

Background Study of an Invention

How to know if an invention already exists? The truth is that, through a background study of inventions, it can be determined whether the invention is registered or patented, both in the inventor's country of origin and in other countries. But, even if an invention is not patented, it may still exist. It is key to combine the search for background of an invention in patent records but also on commercial platforms.

The identification of invention patents that could affect the possibility of applying for a patent is carried out through three fundamental methods:

Method A – Semantic study.

Method B – International Patent Classification Codes. 

Method C – Study of headlines

Do you want to conduct the search on your own?

Free Download: Instructions for Searching Patent Backgrounds for Inventions.


Patent Application Documentation

Taking as reference the analysis of our engineering team, as well as the main conclusions of the manufacturing process of the your working prototype, we will write the necessary documentation to formally file your patent application. It is relevant not to skip any steps. If there is no working prototype, we can hardly obtain an effective patent.

In some cases, due to the characteristics of the invention and its commercial potential, the patent application is filed after the completion of the basic engineering project. In this process, the instruction manual for manufacturing the prototype is determined, and the systems, designs, components, and any element relevant to the patent documentation process are identified.

In the case of Industrial Design applications, we can prepare, under the guidance of a licensed attorney in the United States and experienced in Europe, the necessary documentation, blueprints, and sketches."

In the case of Utility Models, although we discourage them in many cases, we can also help you prepare the memorandum. Only if we see it appropriate due to the commercial strategy and characteristics of the invention

Presentation and follow-up

The hard part will already be done; in this section, we will take care of the administrative procedures to file your patent. We will consider every detail to make it comprehensive yet precise, so it can truly meet your expectations and business needs.

If necessary, our team will respond to any inquiries that the corresponding Patent and Trademark Office may make.

Frequently asked questions

The patent is a title, much like a property deed, that certifies the inventor as the owner of the invention. This ownership prevents other individuals or companies from having the right to commercialize the patented invention. Inventor, it's important for you to know that these rights are limited in time.

While it is true that being the holder of invention patents can leave you somewhat at ease, it is also true that it has some associated risks. If you take a look at the official information, you will be able to identify that in the description of your patented invention, sufficient information must be provided for an expert to execute it. This, of course, reveals relevant secrets about your invention or product.

It is highly recommended that before applying for the patent, you manufacture a working prototype. There are several reasons:

  1. When you obtain the patent for your invention, you will have a period of approximately 3 years to exploit the patent. Of course, it can be commercialized by you or through a company or person to whom you give these rights. However, that's why it's so important to have a prototype before protecting your invention; this way, you will save time.
  2. Although it may seem incredible, there are many invention patents and especially Utility Models that are not technically viable. Therefore, patenting an idea without it being fully validated and optimized by a specialized product development team can be a very serious mistake
  3. Imagine that your invention is viable, and therefore, you decide to patent an idea without having it validated by a development team or without having manufactured a functional prototype. After the patent is approved, a team of product designers finds a more efficient and economical way for your idea to work... Patents are not editable. Therefore, your patent, from that moment on, would have no meaning.

This is the fundamental point of invention patents. The claims are the distinguishing features of your product. When analyzing your competitors' patents, you should pay special attention to these arguments. At Let's Prototype, we tabulate these characteristics and thus find 'gaps' or opportunities to innovate in the prototype and obtain very secure patents.

Like any administrative procedure, there are very well defined deadlines and steps. The good news is that they are all public, so we will have the opportunity to do it ourselves if we think we are capable. The average time is usually between 12 and 36 months. More than the time that elapses from the time it is filed until the patent is obtained for an invention, I recommend you pay the greatest attention to the process of background study and prototyping. These stages are the key to the process.

In the United States, there are procedures that allow obtaining patents within 6 months after the application.

Methods for protecting inventions

Patents are not the only method or tool available to you to protect your inventions. It is true that it is the most complete tool, as well as the most complex and expensive. The truth is that the methods of protection of inventions are neither better nor worse, they are or are not adequate for each case.


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Inventors also educate themselves.

Bringing an invention to the market and succeeding is neither easy nor accidental

After working closely with over 500 inventors from Spain and the United States, we have prepared an inventor training program, specially tailored for you.

Inventor Training:


Programa: Patenta tu Invento


Do you want to turn your idea into a product?

The time to bring your ideas to life is now. We accompany you throughout the entire process: from idea to product.



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