Product design in Alicante. Industrial design company.
Specialists in product design in Alicante | Patents | Prototypes Alicante
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Industrial Design Engineering in Alicante
The product design service in Alicante gains significance from the level of industrial activity in the province, as well as the position held by the community of inventors in Alicante.
If we analyze the public data from the patent and trademark office, Alicante ranks in the top 10 among the provinces with the highest number of invention patents between 2013 and 2022. The same comparison shows that Alicante is the fourth province where the most utility models have been registered and the third in Industrial Design.
As a summary, it's already surprising that Alicante appears in the top 10 of provinces with the highest number of intellectual property protections granted.
In our product design agency in Alicante, we have delved into this analysis, comparing the provinces with the highest number of patents granted, taking into account the population of each one.
Alicante is the province with the most inventors in Spain. Well, it's actually the province with the highest number of inventors per capita.
The previous figures, projected from the public data of the patent and trademark office of Alicante, show that 1.02% of the inhabitants of Alicante have registered an invention in Alicante at some point.
Industrial Design Agency in Alicante
At Let´s Prototype, we specialize in the development of innovative products. We meet the design and product development needs of individual inventors and innovation companies.
We have our own method, certified by ISO Quality standards, that covers the entire process; from developing the concept of an idea, establishing a strategy to patent the invention, to product design and manufacturing of the functional prototype with the appearance of the final product.
Example of industrial design in Alicante

Industrial Product Design | Attention to Inventors from Alicante
Work method for product design in Alicante.
Step 1 – Signing of the confidentiality agreement
We know how important it is to protect an idea. For this reason, we prohibit our business team from addressing any issue related to the development of innovative products or studying the innovative idea before the agreement is signed, where Let´s Prototype commits to keeping the inventor's information confidential.
Request NDA to design a product in Alicante.
(Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Request an NDA for product design in Alicante.
Through an analysis meeting, we will take note of the product details, design needs, engineering project, and above all, the functions that are expected to be fundamental for the innovative product to be developed. This analysis will allow us to study in depth the scope of the product design process, prototype manufacturing process, and the process for patenting an invention in Alicante.
Step 3 – Budget for designing a product in Alicante
Based on the previous analysis, our team will be able to develop a custom project for the entire necessary research process, industrial design of the product, design of electronic solutions for the innovative product (if applicable), as well as the budget for manufacturing a prototype in Alicante.
In the document, you will be able to study, without any obligation, all the details about the planning of our industrial design company and prototype manufacturing in Alicante. Should you decide to develop the product in our invention laboratory, we will activate the co-creation process.
Step 4 – Manufacturer of Innovative Products in Alicante
At Let´s Prototype, we believe that the co-creation method is suitable for designing products in Alicante. Normally, the inventor knows the problem to be solved with the invention very deeply; this information and vision will be a key condition in the process of designing a novel product.
For this reason, at Let´s Prototype, the team of product designers in Alicante, as well as the other engineering disciplines involved in the product development in Alicante, will validate each of the solutions integrated into the product design process with the client, in stages. This way, unnecessary deviations, common errors in product design are avoided, and improvements that the inventor will value positively can be proposed, in case they fit with the target industry.
Patent Office Phone Number in Alicante.
How to register a patent in Alicante? We can help you.
We can help you create your invention.
Our team can guide you in areas such as: Industrial Design | Product Design | Invention Patents | Utility Models | Patents in the United States | Prototype Manufacturing | Product Industrialization | Sale of Patents |
CE Certification of products and industrial design in Alicante
The industrial design of a product can be projected by any 3D designer. Without a doubt, many times inventors take the cheapest paths to develop a product. However, everything not invested in the initial steps to create a product undermines the economic viability of the invention.
The product design process requires a thorough analysis of the problem to be solved, so that the industrial design team not only focuses on 3D projecting the inventor's idea, but also can think "outside the box" in alternative solutions that may be simpler yet innovative, without losing sight of the main focus, the functions.
To this product design formula, we must add the industrial and economic analysis. It is essential that the industrial design company responsible for developing inventions has experience in industrializing inventions. This will ensure the closest possible proximity between the prototype and future mass production processes of an invention, resulting in savings of thousands of dollars.
Another very important ingredient in industrial design of innovative products is the certification variable, a topic that inventors often forget, and is also forgotten by product designers with little experience. Designing an invention involves an analysis of regulations that may affect it, from which a checklist must be extracted to not overlook these details in the product development process.
Not taking into account CE regulations in the industrial design or development of an invention can represent the loss of thousands of dollars for the inventor.
Not taking into account the technical feasibility of the invention as well as the economic viability of the invention in the industrial design of products process can be a real disaster for the inventor.
Hence, at Let´s Prototype, we welcome hundreds of inventors each year with serious difficulties in their inventions and with very significant economic losses.
Laboratorios CE en Alicante
En Let´s Prototype, we can assist you not only in designing an innovative product, but also in studying the CE regulations and negotiating the terms of invention analysis. We manufacture functional prototypes using techniques that will allow your invention to pass CE certification tests in Alicante. We work closely with patent firms in Alicante as well as with CE laboratories in Alicante to certify your invention and register patents in Alicante.
Industrial Design in Alicante
11.5% of Industrial Designs registered in Spain are granted through the Alicante Patent and Trademark Office.
Design patents or industrial design registrations are a method of protecting inventions that exclusively safeguard the aesthetics of a product, which we can appreciate through its distinctive features, taking into account its appearance as well as the arrangement of external components.
Although for many it is considered a weak protection option because it only protects the innovation that can be appreciated in a product, most changes or improvements made to products should be protected with an industrial design rather than as a utility model, as is increasingly common, also in Alicante.

Utility Models in Alicante
Nearly 50% of inventors who decide to protect an invention in Alicante do so through Utility Models. In fact, Alicante is the fourth province with the highest number of Utility Model registrations in all of Spain.
Remember that the Utility Model is not a widely recognized method of protecting inventions worldwide, so although it has become a staple for intellectual property advisors in Spain, some patent attorneys and other inventor advisors, it's important to consider the possibilities of protecting an invention with a patent or with Industrial Design, which remains an easy and inexpensive method, but with international recognition in the field of invention protection.

To patent in Alicante
One of the key steps in developing a product is to register a patent. Patents for invention should not be confused with other methods of protecting intellectual property. In this case, the invention is protected for 20 years, and the process of patenting the invention in other countries is much simpler and more likely.
In Alicante, more than 600 patents have been registered between 2013 and 2022, a figure that places Alicante as the sixth province in Spain with the highest number of granted invention patents.
Before registering a patent in Alicante, it is crucial to have all the details of the industrial design. Patenting an idea before the product design stage can jeopardize future protection, especially because it would exclude from the patent any details of the invention that may be improved during the product development process or in the prototype manufacturing cycle in Alicante.