Tips for Inventors

Un porcentaje muy elevado de los inventores y emprendedores que intentan desarrollar sus ideas y proponer un producto innovador al mercado se encuentran con claras barreras en el camino, que les hacen desvirtuar o desperdiciar; tiempo, energía, y dinero, que son además los tres recursos necesarios para convertir una idea en un producto funcional con altas probabilidades de éxito.

El contenido que desarrollamos en Let´s Prototype para los inventores, es totalmente gratuito, y representa la forma en que Let´s Prototype devuelve a la comunidad de inventores lo que esta le aporta día a día a través de la confianza de inventores particulares y departamentos de innovación de pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas.

Diferencias entre Modelo de Utilidad y Patentes

Differences between a Utility Model and a Patent

What’s the difference between a utility model and a patent? Does it really protect my model to be the only one with the right to exploit it commercially? Discover the main differences between a utility model and a patent through four questions which we will answer by drawing upon the Law, our experience and, as always, common sense.

Differences between a Utility Model and a Patent Read More »

electronic prototypes

Methodology for manufacturing electronic prototypes

Does your prototype require electronic elements? If so, the short-term goal is not to get the best price for manufacturing printed circuit boards (PCBs) like hotcakes. It is essential to have iteration capability in circuits and component selection. This way, we will not only end up with electronic prototypes that work, but we’ll ensure that they are feasible in the immediate future.

Methodology for manufacturing electronic prototypes Read More »

Prototipo de interés para inventores.

How to capture the industry’s interest with my idea or prototype?

Major companies don’t have a department to service e dreamers. Therefore, showing up at their doorstep with dreams or utility models does not make much sense. Discover which are the necessary tools to capture the industry’s interest.

How to capture the industry’s interest with my idea or prototype? Read More »