Tips for Inventors

Un porcentaje muy elevado de los inventores y emprendedores que intentan desarrollar sus ideas y proponer un producto innovador al mercado se encuentran con claras barreras en el camino, que les hacen desvirtuar o desperdiciar; tiempo, energía, y dinero, que son además los tres recursos necesarios para convertir una idea en un producto funcional con altas probabilidades de éxito.

El contenido que desarrollamos en Let´s Prototype para los inventores, es totalmente gratuito, y representa la forma en que Let´s Prototype devuelve a la comunidad de inventores lo que esta le aporta día a día a través de la confianza de inventores particulares y departamentos de innovación de pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas.

Patentes españolas más importantes de la historia

Most Important Spanish Patents in History | Inventions and Their Inventors.

Spain has always been a land of great inventors. Evidence of this is the extensive list of Spanish patents that have significantly contributed to the historical development of science. If you want to learn about Spanish inventors and their inventions/patents, this post is for you.

Most Important Spanish Patents in History | Inventions and Their Inventors. Read More »

inventar productos del futuro que no existen

Techniques for Inventing Future Products That Don’t Exist

In a highly competitive and dynamic market, standing out with future products that don’t yet exist is a real challenge. As time goes by, online commerce becomes more accessible and sales opportunities on e-commerce platforms and marketplaces maximize, making it increasingly complex to compete with innovative products that do not yet exist.

Techniques for Inventing Future Products That Don’t Exist Read More »

conflicto de patentes

Apple Patent Conflict. Conclusions for Inventors

The recent conflict over alleged patent violations between Apple and the medical product development laboratories, Massimo, allows us to reach 4 key conclusions useful for all inventors. If you want to know the details of the conflict and the conclusions that we at Let's Prototype have drawn, this post is for you.

Apple Patent Conflict. Conclusions for Inventors Read More »