Patent and Invention Video Blog | The Inventor’s Lounge.

vídeo blog de patentes e inventos
basic information for inventors

The Patent and Invention Video Blog is a virtual lounge for inventors to obtain the basic information needed before making any decisions in the product launch cycle.

Entrepreneurs who decide to venture into the digital world with apps, web platforms, and any software product have thousands of options for information and training. In contrast, inventors suffer from misinformation, a situation that often leads them to take seemingly easy paths that decrease their chances of success.

From Let’s Prototype, we offer this content for free, with the sole purpose of giving back to the inventor community everything this community provides us through the inventors who decide to work with our team.

Patent to live in the Caribbean.

Inventors go through life filled with enthusiasm, eagerness, and determination. These ingredients, without the proper training and information, can turn an exciting adventure into a real drama.

Well then, if you've been told that with €3000 you'll get a Utility Model and with that you'll live in the Caribbean, or that just a Patent will make you profitable.

This site is for you!

Practical guide to creating an innovative product 

Content Guide:

  • Why know the steps to create an innovative product?
  • Stage 1: The background study.
  • Stage 2: Technical study and basic engineering project.
  • Stage 3: Manufacturing of prototypes and Patent Registration.
  • Stage 4: Pre-series objectives of an invention prototype.
  • Stage 5: Importance of market feedback. Commercial Test.
  • Stage 6: Optimization of the product and relationship with the industry to manufacture in series.
  • Stage 7: The ideal time to attract investors or sell the patent.
  •  Stage 8: Landing of the prototype in the industry for mass production. 

Patent on the trail of money.

Content Guide:

There are three key points or arguments you must keep in mind before filing a patent:

Focus on defense: It is essential to choose advisors who not only have experience in obtaining patents but also in defending these patents in scenarios where the rights granted by a patent are violated.

The money trail: Patenting in a large and high-purchasing-power market also positively influences the future value of the patent.

Timing: The speed of response in the patent process is crucial, as it allows you to take advantage of the protection periods or preferential right reservation granted by PCTs.

When is the best time to sell a Patent?

Content Guide:

  • 00:00 – 01:54 – Relationship between Patent Strategy and Patent Value.
  • 01:54 – 02:58 – The big mistake of inventors.
  • 02:58 – 03:36 – Relationship between Product Lifecycle and Patent Value
  • 03:36 – 05:26 – Patents empty of content and value.
  • 05:26 – 06:37 – Business feasibility. Patent value argument.
  • 06:37 – 07:05 – The pre-series of an invention. Impact on value.
  • 07:05 – 09:10 – Product industrialization. Impact on value.
  • 09:10 – 09:12 – Monetizing a patent. The optimal timing.

How to create a product to sell?

Content Guide:

  • 00:00 – 02:08 – Needs are not created. They are identified.
  • 02:08 – 03:14 – The iPod as the best market response.
  • 02:08 – 03:14 – The iPod as the best market response.
  • 05:24 – 06:34 – How to find a new opportunity or product to sell?
  • 06:34 – 07:57 – How to innovate while improving the price of a product?
  • 07:57 – 09:30 – Create products to sell that facilitate the use of other products.
  • 09:30 – 10:51 – Two key points for you to create a new product to sell.
  • 10:51 – 12:25 – Differences between copying a product to sell and creating an innovative product to sell.


Why do advisors recommend the Utility Model?

Content Guide:

  • The role of the inventor's illusion as an enemy of the strategy.
  • Probabilities of success for Industrial Design, Utility Model, and Patents.
  • The Utility Model is profitable, but for the advisor.
  • Comparison: Patents, Industrial Design, Utility Models.

Main Business Models for Inventors.

Content Guide:

  • One of the main fears of inventors is related to the risk associated with the success of their business models. 
  • Descubre los 3 principales Modelos de Negocio que te permitirán rentabilizar tu idea o patente: 
  • Patent sale.
  •  Patent licensing.
  • Bringing the product to the industry and the market.

The PCT is not an International Patent.

Content Guide:

  • Although many inventors consider a PCT to be an International Patent, this statement or belief is not entirely true.
  • The PCT is an international agreement administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
  • The goal of a PCT is to simplify and make the patent application process more efficient in multiple countries at once. 

How much does it cost to patent in the USA?

Content Guide:

  • Contrary to what most inventors think, patenting in the United States does not have to represent an unattainable cost.
  • If we compare the advantages and disadvantages of patenting an invention in the United States, any additional cost would surely be offset.
  • Registering an invention as a patent in the United States costs between $10,000 and $20,000.
  • The final price of a patent for invention in the United States is related to the complexity of the invention, the size of the industry it targets, and above all, the clarity of the innovation claims of the product we want to protect with a patent for invention or utility patent.

Materials required for patenting.

Content Guide:

  • Content Guide: 00:00 – 01:31
  • Where should you patent first and why?
  • 01:31 – 02:37 Can I patent an invention in the United States even if I don’t live there?
  • 02:37 – 03:20 Can you internationalize a patent registered in the United States?

¿Cómo conseguir financiación para lanzar un producto? 

Content Guide:

  • I have an idea, but I don't have the resources to develop the invention.
  • Main risks associated with the process of launching a new product.

¿Cuál es el momento adecuado para captar inversores en el proceso de lanzamiento de un producto? 

Content Guide:

  • Financing is one of the main drawbacks in the process of launching a new product, especially because investors are distrustful at a very early stage. Furthermore, due to the very low value of the company in that period, attracting investors would be counterproductive. For this reason, we tell you the details associated with the relationship between Risk and Required Return so that you can choose the best time to take on investors for your project.

¿Cómo incrementar el valor del proyecto desarrollando un nuevo producto? 

Content Guide:

  • The process of transforming the idea into a product and then into a profitable business, goes through stages that influence, to a greater or lesser extent, the increase in the value of the project, which is, ultimately, the priority throughout the process. Whether you are considering selling a patent or launching a product and exploiting it commercially, you will have to go through these stages.

Let’s talk about your project