Design and manufacture of prototypes
Let’s Prototype star product, originally and still today, is turning ideas, patented or not, into working prototypes that can be of use in demonstrating the technical feasibility of inventions. Respecting utmost confidentiality and always committed to Quality, we tackle each initiative with both enthusiasm and seriousness. We will make your dream product come to life, regardless of its technical complexity.
The ongoing development of specialized fields, such as electronics, electromechanics, industrial design, computer science and robotics, position us in the market as a totally reliable solution for demonstrating the technical feasibility of your invention in the simplest and most easily replicable way possible. We never lose sight, not even for a second, of the need to deliver a prototype that facilitates the evolution of your future business.
Patent Management
In addition to the prototype manufacturing-related value proposition we offer to inventors, we also provide complementary services required to legally protect their inventions.
Although our entity’s main activity is prototype design and development, the nature of our activity and professional footprint has driven us to seek out the best partnerships and selection of professionals who will work shoulder to shoulder with us to find the highest possible level of protection for your invention.
Although our entity’s main activity is prototype design and development, the nature of our activity and professional footprint has driven us to seek out the best partnerships and selection of professionals who will work shoulder to shoulder with us to find the highest possible level of protection for your invention.
Standards and Testing
We are aware of the obstacles that you may encounter in the process of locating, interpreting and defining the requirements that your invention must meet so that, later, you can obtain a prototype that is truly marketable under the umbrella of Spanish, European and international standards.
On most occasions we recommend that the inventors, promoters of each project, delve into this matter, taking into account that it is an intensive service in hours and therefore more expensive than we would like. Even so, we can make proposals under the "turnkey" concept, that is, we have the capacity and resources necessary to carry out the study, interpretation and adaptations necessary to comply with the applicable regulations in each case.
At Let's Prototype we do not have our own laboratories to develop any type of experiments, but by defining the requirements in advance, we will be able to carry out simulations that do not come close to complying with the standard. In addition, we have the right partners to carry out the tests that your prototype may need.
CE marking
Obtaining the CE marking can be a tedious and complicated process, our Let's Prototype team can offer this service to its clients as long as it is expressly requested and contracted, since it is not included in the design and manufacture of prototypes.
The service consists of the development of a previous study of CE marking, where the feasibility of applying the marking based on the current standard is analyzed. Subsequently, the technical documentation useful for the certification process is developed, such as: manufacturing file, instruction manual and declaration of conformity, among others necessary for specific prototypes.
The examinations required to obtain the CE certificate depend on the type of prototype in question, in any case, they are carried out by accredited bodies, with which Let's Prototype maintains a professional relationship.
e-commerce and WEB Development
Let’s Prototype has a software development department experienced in the development of IOT projects, low-level programming, as well as a department specialized in the design and development of virtual stores and corporate Web pages.
Following the basic principles of prototype manufacturing processes, the development of web and sales digital environments is based on democratized technologies that ensure that every client will have sufficient autonomy to manage their virtual portals’ product content, design and product catalog.
Following the basic principles of prototype manufacturing processes, the development of websites and digital sales environments is based on democratized technologies that guarantee each client sufficient autonomy to manage the content, design and product catalog of their virtual portals.
Investment and Financing Managment
Let’s Prototype maintains a close relationship with the network of private investors BusinessInFact, S.A. It is one of the most active investor networks in the national market, with more than 86 affiliated investors, specialized in private investment and support for entrepreneurial projects in the start-up phase. More than 30 companies have been promoted and invested by BusinessInFact investors.
The support service in the process of seeking private financing or financing management through other financial vehicles close to the professional footprint of BusinessInFact, are not included in the prototype manufacturing service. Instead, it is a service available only available to customers of that service.
Market and Sales Analysis
We know how important it is for you to make your prototype the cornerstone of a financially sustainable business. That’s why we have specialized consultants in the fields of competitor research, client segmentation analysis and the design of optimal positioning strategies, making it possible to determine as early as possible your prototype’s commercial and financial feasibility.
Likewise, our team of mentors will support and guide you through the process of selecting the best channels for achieving market penetration and designing sales strategies which they will oversee while working “boots on the ground” with you.