Calculate price of a prototype | Immediate result

2 Steps to calculate the price of a prototype (Approximate)

Calculate Prototype Price Online 

To calculate the price of a prototype online, it is necessary to have sufficient information about the invention. The prototype is the first unit of an invention and its main purpose is to bring the invention to life and demonstrate its technical feasibility.

The price of a prototype is not comparable to the future price of a product in the market. A very clear example of this relationship can be found in the creation of the first Tesla electric car.

Calculate Prototype Price Online

Calculate Prototype Price Online

ĀæEn quĆ© consiste tu innovaciĆ³n?

ĀæQuĆ© disciplinas de ingenierĆ­a incluye tu invento?

Estado del proyecto

ĀæCuĆ”nto estĆ”s dispuesto a invertir en el desarrollo de tu invento?

ĀæQuĆ© tipo de ayuda necesitas?

ĀæCuĆ”l es el sector donde pretendes innovar?

Datos del inventor

SegĆŗn la informaciĆ³n que has aportado y sin que represente un compromiso para LetĀ“s Prototype, los resultados de su cĆ”lculo son:

The price of the prototype is not comparable to the price of the final product.

Tesla INC, was founded as a company in the United States. Although not as well known as Elon Musk, Tesla's founders were Eberhard and Marc Terpenning. Musk was the first major startup investor in 2004, leading the investment round of over $7 million.

Although there is no file specifying how much the Tesla prototype cost and the time it took to manufacture the first functional prototype, it is known that between 2003 and 2008 they raised over $150 million. In contrast, a Tesla now costs less than $30,000.

The cost of manufacturing a prototype is not an expense. It is an investment.

The process of manufacturing a prototype is a learning cycle that demonstrates the technical viability of the product, but also its economic viability. The prototyping process allows for adjustments such as:

  • Minimize the number of parts required.
  • Analyze the industrial manufacturing feasibility of the parts. 
  • Determine the electronic components if applicable. 
  • Determine the market availability of parts and commercial components. 
  • Minimize complex systems or mechanisms, both in manufacturing and assembly. 

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Prototoype Price Calculator - Method

There is no democratized and single method to calculate the cost of a prototype. Instead, based on our experience, we can help you identify some tentative costs for manufacturing an invention that are useful for starting the planning process.

There is an important conclusion you must keep in mind: the cost of materials is completely irrelevant for calculating the cost of a prototype. Technical complexity, uncertainty, and the integration of engineering disciplines in the development process of the invention are the elements with the greatest impact for calculating the cost of a prototype.

Formula for Calculating the Cost of a Prototype



Study the formula to define how much a functional prototype costs.

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