Create Your Invention | We Bring Your Ideas to Life
El programa fabrica tu invento es un sistema de trabajo que se diseña a medida de las necesidades de cada inventor. Fabrica de Inventos tiene plazas limitadas y es un proceso donde el inventor termina demostrando la viabilidad del invento y obtiene un prototipo del invento.
Fabrica tu invento. Programa líder de acompañamiento para inventores.
Who is the Fabrica tu Invento program aimed at?
El programa “Fabrica tu Invento” es una iniciativa de Let´s Prototype para brindar información y soporte a inventores, sobre el proceso de fabricación de un invento. Va dirigido a:
- Inventors with a well-defined innovative idea or project and/or
- Inventors with the first version of a handcrafted prototype or home-made prototype.
- Inventors intending to improve an existing product in the market.
- Inventors with a requested or approved patent or utility model.
You don't need to have a prototype to start in the invention manufacturing program; precisely in "Fabricate Your Invention," you will be able to obtain the first version of your functional prototype.
What do I need to have to participate in the Fabrica tu Invento program?
- Clarity about the problem you intend to solve with the invention to be manufactured
- Information about potential competitors or manufactured inventions that may compete with your idea.
- List of functional requirements of the invention. In other words, a list of functions you intend to achieve when manufacturing an invention.
You won't have to provide invention drawings, 3D designs of an invention, invention prototypes, or other materials about your idea.
Contact telephone number | Make your Invention
(+34) 619 687 023
for inventors in Spain
(+1) 786 813 4047
For inventors in the United States and countries in the Americas.

Fabrica tu Invento. Programa de trabajo conjunto.
Make your Invention: Program objectives.
- Manufacture the first prototype of an invention.
El programa de ayuda para inventores: Fábrica de Inventos, permite a inventores obtener la primera versión de un prototipo funcional con aspecto de producto final.
Invention Factory: Duration of the Program
The invention manufacturing program has an average duration of 90 days after the validation of the industrial design. However, the estimated deadlines are modified based on the level of complexity of the invention and the number of disciplines involved in the manufacturing process of the invention (mechanical engineering, industrial design, telecommunications, textile design, and software development).
What does the Fabrica tu Invento program consist of?
El programa «Create your invention» se desglosa en dos procesos fundamentales: El ciclo de diseño de producto y documentación de las soluciones propuestas y, en segundo lugar, el proceso de fabricación del primer prototipo funcional.
Fabrica Inventos - Etapa 1: Análisis técnico de proyectos innovadores.
El análisis técnico inicial se refiere a un estudio sobre iniciativas, en el que intervienen diferentes disciplinas técnicas o departamentos de ingeniería que forman parte de nuestro laboratorio de fabricación de inventos. Los objetivos de esta etapa se resumen en la demostración de viabilidad técnica de la iniciativa, así como encontrar las mejores formas posibles para llegar a un concepto de producto con altas posibilidades de ser competitivo a nivel económico.
Fabrica Inventos - Etapa 2: Fabricación y prototipado rápido
Diseño Industrial y fabricación de prototipos funcionales. La segunda etapa del programa, consiste en la obtención de un prototipo funcional que demuestre la viabilidad de la propuesta documentada en la etapa anterior. En algunos casos no es posible la fabricación del prototipo como parte del programa, sobre todo por los altísimos costes que pueden estar asociados. En estos casos concretos, se fabrican maquetas totales o maquetas de elementos parciales que reducen sustancialmente la percepción de riesgo sobre el invento.

Fase 1 del programa fabrica de inventos.
Fase 2 del programa fabrica de inventos.
Etapas del programa de acompañamiento para inventores: Fabrica tu invento.
Feasibility Study Vs Invention Factory
Inventors are faithful lovers of the idea. Many times, they cling to solutions or inventions that lack relevance in today's world.
Existen dos motivos por los que un Invento puede carecer de sentido:
- The idea or invention is not technically feasible.
- The idea or invention is not economically viable.
Many times, the inventor does not want to hear these realities about their inventions and prefers to hear that it is a great idea, that it has no competition, and that it is the perfect time for a Utility Model. This process is what we call the "inventor's drug." It excites the inventor, makes them believe that their invention is brilliant and different from everything else in the world, but in reality, it has very little value.
At Let's Prototype, we strongly recommend developing a basic engineering project and industrial design of the invention before moving on to the stage of manufacturing the prototype of the invention.
What happens if my invention is not viable?
Any process of creating an invention involves risks, and it is important that you are aware of them:
We are receiving more and more patents for inventions and especially Utility Models that contradict the principles of physics. Therefore, having a Utility Model or Patent does not mean that the invention is viable.
There are inventions that, although they can be manufactured using prototyping techniques, it is impossible or too expensive to reproduce them in the industry. Therefore, they are economically unviable inventions.
In the "Fabricate Your Invention" program, we will be able to verify both details before moving on to the process of manufacturing the invention. The innovation cycle is efficient when you learn quickly enough about the feasibility and real opportunities of the invention. In case of infeasibility of the invention, we can open a process of open innovation where we will look for alternatives in the invention laboratory, to see if there are alternatives to the inventor's idea.
Program: Make your Invention. Job program.
Month 1 – How do you know if an idea exists and if it is a good idea?
Background study of the invention: We will check if your idea exists, is patented, or is being marketed in any market.
Opportunities and new inventions analysis: Study of market feedback on the usability and functionality of competitor products or inventions.
Objective pricing study: We will study the average prices of products democratized in the market, compared to the arguments of differential elements in such inventions. This way, we will reach conclusions about the characteristics that motivate the user to pay for an invention that solves the same detected problem.
Potential for sales in Europe and the United States: Using market research tools, we will analyze the volume of users who purchase products similar to the invention you want to manufacture. This way, we can obtain objective data on the business opportunity.
Technical feasibility: We will study the different alternatives that could lead the specialized industrial design team for products to a feasible solution for the invention. If it can be proven through an engineering project for inventions, we can move on to the next stage.
Sketches of an invention: Freehand, a drawing of the invention will be developed, taking into account the forecasts of technical feasibility. The objective of the sketch of an invention is to reach an initial agreement and define the expectation of the inventor and the market about an invention.
Do you want to know more about Fabrica tu Invento?
Make your Invention. The leading program for successful inventors and entrepreneurs.
If you have an idea for a novel product, you will find hundreds of patent companies and Utility Model firms.
All of them agree on protecting an idea without knowing if it is viable.
In Fabricate Your Invention, you will be able to define the technical feasibility of the invention and manufacture the first prototype.
Month 2 – Design of inventions and solutions to achieve competitive products. Industrial Design | electronics | Mechanics | Mathematics | IOT|
The key to success in developing a product is to integrate in the same space the different engineering disciplines involved in the development of the invention. For manufacturing an innovative appliance, it is essential that they work hand in hand; electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, product design experts, industrial design experts, Firmware programming and the management and invention analysis team.
Example of common mistakes companies manufacturing of inventions.
Imagine that the goal is to manufacture a new machine or appliance capable of becoming an ideal space for plant growth.
By dispensing nutrients in the form of mist and light, in an airtight environment, plants could have everything they need to grow. Furthermore, with an excellent level of precision for its development.

Now imagine that in the invention factory where this innovative product is going to be developed, they have a product design team capable of proposing a perfect prototype on screen. However, when the electronics engineers start working on the product development, they cannot find a place to install the components of the invention.
What would be the solution to manufacture the invention?
Redesign based on the electronic solution for product development?
Condition electronics experts in product development?
The best working method for manufacturing an invention is to ensure that all the engineering disciplines necessary for manufacturing a product participate together from the invention design stage to the manufacture of the invention prototype.
During the second month of the Fabricate Your Invention support program, we will provide you with all the human and technical resources that your invention needs in our invention manufacturing laboratory. In this way, a product concept will be conceived, starting from the industrial design itself, that is economically balanced and technically viable.
Do you want to start the manufacturing process of your invention?
Month 3 Steps to make inventions with high chances of success.
When it comes to manufacturing an invention, it is crucial to come up with individual solutions for each of the challenges that make up the invention.
You will need to be accompanied by a team of experts in prototype development, and here's why:
Any professional could design a product on the computer. Few invention manufacturing labs can turn the idea into a real product.
Any professional or prototype company can come up with a solution. Few prototype companies are willing to accompany you from the idea to mass production of the invention in the industry.
Any 3D designer can draw a product. Few 3D design companies can guarantee that your product, its parts, and its materials are compatible with industrial methods.
Investing money in manufacturing a prototype is a good choice, without a doubt. You will be able to identify invention errors as soon as possible and also, you will be able to test the idea or invention in the market.
The risk of investing in developing an invention is doing so with the wrong professionals, who will undoubtedly abandon you the day after obtaining the famous Utility Model, or when they can offer a 3D-printed prototype that is not useful for the next steps in the development of the invention.
Inventions have to become prototypes, industrial products, but also businesses.
Information to make an invention
Yes! Developing an innovative product or creating a successful invention in the market is not only expensive. It is very expensive. Most inventors get halfway through the development of their inventions, mainly because they are encouraged to pay for patents, Utility Models, and other methods to protect inventions before taking the correct steps to analyze the success possibilities of the invention.
If you're an inventor and you have an idea you believe in, remember that love for the idea is not enough. You need resources to face the entire innovation process involved in launching an invention.
If you need information about the steps to manufacture an invention, you can contact our team and we will offer you a consultation with an expert in manufacturing innovative inventions.
The cost to manufacture an invention can range from 20,000 to 35,000 euros. The investment required to manufacture an invention depends on the technical complexity of the invention, but above all, it is related to the need for research or not to reach the conception of the invention.
It is highly recommended to set fixed prices to study the feasibility of the invention, fixed prices for designing an invention, and fixed prices for manufacturing an invention.
If you want to analyze an idea for an invention in our invention and prototype manufacturing laboratory, you can contact a professional in inventions today.
The Fabricate Your Invention program does not have a specific deadline for enrollment, for product design or manufacturing an invention. Enrollment for the best program for manufacturing inventions remains open all year, but spaces are limited.
In the case of prototype manufacturing in Spain, there are 100 slots per year. These requests for manufacturing inventions are handled at the invention manufacturing workshop in San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid.
In the case of prototype manufacturing in the United States, there are 280 slots available each year. These requests for manufacturing innovative inventions are developed at the invention laboratory in Miami, Florida.
Designing an invention in 3D or developing the infographic of the invention does not eliminate the risk of failure of an idea.
The 3D design of an invention is only useful for explaining the objective of the idea to other people.
The 3D design of an invention is an early stage of the invention creation process, it has no economic value and is not useful for patenting or registering a Utility Model.
3D product design is a support tool, but it is not useful for selling a patent or for selling a utility model of an invention for which we have no physical validation or functional prototype.
If you're thinking about creating the 3D design of an invention, you should know more details about the growth of the value of a patent to better set your goals.
If you need a free 3D design of an invention, you can contact our product design team for inventions.
Manufacturing an invention can take approximately 3 months. It is true that the industrial design timeframe of a product can be extended if it is necessary to conduct research on the invention. To be more precise, you can estimate that manufacturing an invention usually takes 90 days after validating the industrial design of an invention.
The most recommended thing to participate in Fabricate Your Invention is not to have a patent or Utility Model of the Invention.
It is most likely that in Fabricate Your Invention we will find solutions that improve the idea, therefore, they would remain unprotected in patents registered in advance.
In general, patenting before conducting the engineering study of an invention is at least a serious mistake.
Factory your invention Prototype Examples
The time to bring your ideas to life is now. We accompany you throughout the entire process: from idea to product.
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