consejos sobre diseño de un producto

Estudio de antecedentes de patentes

How can I know if I can patent my idea without spending any money?

If you’re an inventor, a real one… you likely have gone through a moment of extreme uncertainty while doing searches to determine whether your idea already exists or not. From now on, you’ll experience this moment very differently. Step Nº 2 of Lean Prototyping will show you the path to reinforce your invention and determine its feasibility.

How can I know if I can patent my idea without spending any money? Read More »

modelos de utilidad y patentes

From idea to concept and from concept to prototype. Lean Prototyping

What’s important is not to master the methodology, but for all your questions to be totally resolved. In Step Nº 1 of Lean Prototyping, you’ll understand the steps to follow so that the innovation continues to make sense. Remember, your invention must resolve a real problem in the market.

From idea to concept and from concept to prototype. Lean Prototyping Read More »