Tips for Inventors

Un porcentaje muy elevado de los inventores y emprendedores que intentan desarrollar sus ideas y proponer un producto innovador al mercado se encuentran con claras barreras en el camino, que les hacen desvirtuar o desperdiciar; tiempo, energía, y dinero, que son además los tres recursos necesarios para convertir una idea en un producto funcional con altas probabilidades de éxito.

El contenido que desarrollamos en Let´s Prototype para los inventores, es totalmente gratuito, y representa la forma en que Let´s Prototype devuelve a la comunidad de inventores lo que esta le aporta día a día a través de la confianza de inventores particulares y departamentos de innovación de pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas.

ChatGPT Inventores

ChatGPT responds to INVENTORS

ChatGPT has been on everyone's lips for weeks and, to date, more than 100 million users have launched their questions to validate its "artificial" wisdom. I'm sure you already know it and have used it, so little introduction deserves. Here are some questions from ChatGPT for inventors who, like you, are planning to launch an innovative product.

ChatGPT responds to INVENTORS Read More »

3D printing techniques

 3D printing techniques. Rapid prototyping manufacturing.

3D printing is a technique increasingly used in the manufacturing process of functional prototypes. As we already know, the speed of execution and the number of iterations are the most critical arguments to achieve a successful product. In this post, we explain what are the 3D printing techniques that we use every day in Let's Prototype.

 3D printing techniques. Rapid prototyping manufacturing. Read More »

Estudio de antecedentes de patentes

Steps to know if my idea is patented.

If you’re an inventor, a real one… you likely have gone through a moment of extreme uncertainty while doing searches to determine whether your idea already exists or not. From now on, you’ll experience this moment very differently. Step Nº 2 of Lean Prototyping will show you the path to reinforce your invention and determine its feasibility.

Steps to know if my idea is patented. Read More »

modelos de utilidad y patentes

From idea to concept and from concept to prototype. Lean Prototyping

What’s important is not to master the methodology, but for all your questions to be totally resolved. In Step Nº 1 of Lean Prototyping, you’ll understand the steps to follow so that the innovation continues to make sense. Remember, your invention must resolve a real problem in the market.

From idea to concept and from concept to prototype. Lean Prototyping Read More »

Lean Prototyping method

Inventors also have a method. Lean Prototyping.

“…the idea is my thing, but I’m new at this …” Without a doubt, this was the most common phrase among the inventors with whom we’ve spoken in the last 24 months. That we should roll up our sleeves to finally develop a clear method that guides inventors throughout the entire process. From the idea to the working product that is feasible for the market.

Inventors also have a method. Lean Prototyping. Read More »


Inventions that changed the world (Part 1)

The human race has succeeded in evolving in never-before-seen ways thanks to their mental capacity, which allows them to invent, imagine, learn and convey knowledge, including abstract knowledge, and relate with others intelligently. Not all humans, of course, but definitely the majority of them.

Inventions that changed the world (Part 1) Read More »