Patents are NOT sold. They are bought!

Hi, there:

This week I told a potential client: “Paco, Patents Are Not For Sale. They are bought”
He looked at me with a strange face and... shot!
Since I am not sure that Paco understood me, like every Sunday, I hope he reads this message 
Friend, the truth is that I brought the phrase from the private investment sector, I think I had already told you that we come from there. 
Over the last decade, we invested in more than 30 innovative companies. 
The objective was clear, to make money when the companies were sold at a value much higher than our entry. 
You can already imagine it! 
Life or death depended on whether or not each invested company was sold.
In that “game” I learned that putting a company up for sale was economic suicide in most cases. 
The key was to be bought, it seems the same, but there are several hundred thousand euros of difference. 
Through hard work, we learned that companies did not sell themselves, but that they had to do all their homework excellently, to attract attention and be bought. 
If you want to sell your old car, it probably doesn't occur to you to ask for more than €2000, but if it's someone who falls in love...
It seems like a tongue twister, but it is as true as a house. 
Surprise! We forget this very basic principle in the world of inventors. 
But friend, do you really think that for 5000 € someone is going to register your great idea and also sell that patent.
Oh my God!
The truth is that the path is as long as the one we had to learn for 10 years.
For the sale of your patent to be a real option, you cannot leave any obligations unfinished:
 Step 0: Dream about your potential buyers. Don't even think about bothering them until step 7.
Step 1: Prove that your invention works, even before patenting it, avoid paying for wet paper. 
Step 3: Remember that patents, once filed, are not modified. Therefore, trust your instinct and ingenuity, but do not underestimate what a specialized team can contribute to your solution. This way, you will not only register an invention, but you will protect the best version of it. This is what we do at Let's Prototype.
Step 4: Study the background of your invention, detect market trends and evaluate the strategy of potential buyers who coexist and are successful in the market. 
Step 5: Select the best strategy to protect your invention. The Utility Model is a great formula, but it is not always the best. Lean on professionals and protect your invention. If you did it before... It could be a mistake!
Step 6: Invest time and money in studying the transition from prototype to final industrializable product. 
Step 7: Develop a plan based on business arguments that fit your potential buyers. 
Start the actions so that they “happen to see your invention” and start negotiations. Preferably, accompanied by professionals with proven experience in this type of business. 
Dear friend, I remind you that at Let's Prototype we only accompany those clients with whom we have worked throughout the entire process in commercial and patent sales processes. If not, we prefer to stay out of it 😉 
Remember... With these tips, I don't intend to sell you anything. 
I am only fulfilling my commitment to support our community of inventors. Of which you are part.
Warm regards

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Erick Remedios Muiños