Prototype Pre-series Manufacturing

Prototype pre-series are handcrafted replicas of the functional prototype.

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preseries de prototipos

What is a prototype pre-series?

The pre-series units of a prototype are handcrafted replicas of the functional prototype. Unlike the industrial manufacturing of a product, pre-series units are produced using prototype manufacturing methods. The goal of the pre-series is not to make money from selling the units, but to learn how users interact with the prototype. Detecting prototype errors in pre-series units helps avoid the high costs associated with transforming into industrial manufacturing methods.

The pre-series of a product is a commercial experimentation tool. It allows for making improvement decisions based on user experience and detecting flaws in the prototype.


Prototype Unit 0

It allows the validation of the functional requirements of an invention.

Prototype Pre-series

It allows for conducting commercial and usability tests of the prototype.


Application of changes and improvements to the product before industrializing the invention.

Prototype Pre-series Manufacturing of Innovative Products.

Seeing the manufacturing of a prototype as a linear process is a common mistake among inventors. Prototype creation is an evolutionary cycle that culminates in the distribution of pre-series units of the prototype itself, to make important decisions before mass production.

¿Necesitas un plan de validación de un producto innovador?

Details of the Prototype Pre-series Manufacturing Service


Someter el prototipo a pruebas reales con potenciales clientes. Minimizar futuros costes de industrialización del producto. Reduce riesgos asociados a la obtención de certificaciones, como el Marcado CE.


Typically, after manufacturing the first functional prototype, between 20 and 100 pre-series units of the product are made. The manufacturing of a prototype pre-series usually takes about 30 days.


Along with the pre-series units of the prototype, the updated technical documentation is provided, which includes the changes applied to the prototype, as well as the experiment plan that the units must undergo.

El plan de experimentos incluye el listado de indicadores auditables en el producto.


The process of manufacturing pre-series units of prototypes requires the active participation of the inventor. The changes in product ergonomics, packaging, and methods for evaluating experiments must be agreed upon.


The manufacturing of product pre-series requires the use of the same tools necessary for building the first prototype unit. In some cases, the use of cheap molds for shaping parts is justified.


The price of manufacturing prototype pre-series varies depending on the number of units, complexity of the prototype, and the intensity of labor required, as industrial techniques are not used. Typically, the price of manufacturing a pre-series unit is between 5% and 10% of the manufacturing costs of the first prototype.

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Although the manufacturing of pre-series units of a prototype is not a mandatory step, we believe it is crucial to minimize the waste of financial resources. In innovation, the key to success is identifying and correcting mistakes as early as possible.

The recommended quantity largely depends on the market volume your innovative product targets. For example, if it's a household cleaning product for common use, you will need many more units than if it's a prototype of an industrial machine. We typically recommend manufacturing between 20 and 100 pre-series units.

The goal of prototypes is not to make money, but to learn about the user experience of potential customers. The use of craft manufacturing techniques goes against the economic margin your product could have in the future. It is true that many inventors use prototype units to learn about the price customers are willing to pay for the invention. This type of experiment is highly recommended. However, the goal of the pre-series units of a prototype should never be to make money. The price of manufacturing pre-series units does not need to be similar to the final product price.

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The time to bring your ideas to life is now. We accompany you throughout the entire process: from idea to product.



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