Product Design in Miami

Perhaps 15 years ago it didn't make much sense for a product design agency in Miami. On the other hand, Miami is today one of the entrepreneurship hubs that has grown the most in the United States in terms of company creation and innovative businesses. In addition to the variety of cultures, the talent, the desire to succeed, a company with experience in creating innovative products was necessary. to have the perfect ingredients in the city. For this reason, after accumulating more than 15 years of experience as developers of innovative products and manufacturing patents in Europe, we decided to open our first product design office in the United States, in the city of Miami.

IoT product developers in Miami.

Our product design company in Miami has the capacity to develop software products, hardware products strong> and also products that integrate both disciplines. IOT product development is the main specialty of our product design and prototyping agency.

With IOT products we refer to equipment, machines or gadgets useful in any industry, with the ability to connect through a telecommunications system with a cloud server and share data from its environment in real time. Data that will later be structured, analyzed and consumed by users to improve control systems or make decisions. 

See – IoT development projects in Miami

We want to bring your ideas to life


You can now access over 30 examples of prototypes designed and manufactured in our lab

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Electronics company in Miami

The Development of innovative products that include electronics, is one of the great challenges in the city of Miami. Most product design agencies outsource the development of prototypes with electronics. At our product development company in Miami, we learned that the distance between the design team of products and the Electronic developers and software developers have to work together and in a coordinated manner. Otherwise, the resulting prototypes may have an unprofessional appearance

For this reason, we have equipped our prototype development laboratory in Miami, with a electronic product development unit or department, where the most requested services are: 

PCB designers in Miami: Our team includes PCB designers in Miami. They will work with the client to create use cases to determine the electronic components necessary in each situation. Our team of electronic product developers is prepared to analyze the quality of components regardless of their origin, as well as their availability and prices in the market. In this way, the PCB designers in Miami who make up our team will be able to offer solutions or electronic products that, in addition to being functionally viable, have ample potential to be economically viable innovative products. 

PCB manufacturers in Miami: We have the ability to manufacture PCBs in Miami. On the other hand, we use this PCB manufacturing system in Miami exclusively in the initial stages of electronic product design. We subsequently relied on industrial solutions and PCB manufacturers with whom we have been working hand in hand for more than a decade. In this way, we guarantee that the electronic prototypes that we develop in our product design company comply with easy adaptation to the international electronics industry. 

Firmware Developers in Miami: As a leading product development company in Miami, we not only have the ability to develop the hardware elements of the products. We have a software development team in Miami specialized in the area of ​​Firmware programming. b>, as well as testing innovative electronic products created in our invention factory

The ability to develop hardware and software solutions in Miami, places us in a privileged position as a technological partner for the development of IoT products in Miami

What does our activity as product designers in Miami consist of?

It is no secret to anyone that China and Mexico provide the greatest concentration of Industry for the United States. The conditions of product manufacturing in these countries have made the manufacturing of products within of the United States

If at any time you have considered designing or creating a new product in Miami, surely you found manufacturers in China as your first option. A really tempting cheap route. On the other hand, designing innovative products, with teams in the distance, is a challenge that condemns the times and real possibilities of success who may have good ideas for innovative products.

In the development process of a new product, it is essential to maintain a control, communication flow and rigorous interaction system, between the inventors and the product design agency and prototype manufacturing.

Our value proposition for Miami companies, inventors or entrepreneurs is to facilitate the path or process of creating an innovative product and protect it through patents in Miami.

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Steps for product development in Miami:

Problem analysis: This is a process in which our professionals, experts in design and development of innovative products in Miami, will understand the needs you intend to solve in the market, innovative features and differentials of your product, as well as the technical challenges that may be evident in your invention or product idea.  

Technical report for development: The technical report consists of an analysis of viability of the idea, patent or proposed improvements to an existing product. The report will determine the points of improvement, alternative solutions to reinforce innovation in the product, while at the same time it will include important improvements to convert the idea into an innovative product proposal. ="font-weight: 400;"> with clear competitive advantages. 

Our team of engineers and product creation specialist in Miami, They will prepare, within an approximate period of 45 – 60 days, a technical document that will consist of the detailed report of the product proposal, including in it; block structures or diagrams of the prototype electronics (if necessary), designs, notebook of drawings of parts and pieces that will make up the future product, details of the assembly between the pieces, study of materials, as well as other analyzes at the level of invention manufacturing laboratory, which will allow us to determine the technical viability of the invention and its possible improvements.

Prototype manufacturing in Miami: The prototype is the first physical unit of the product. The objective of a functional prototype in Miami is not to sell it or make money in the short term, the main objective of a prototype is demonstrate that the idea works, find possibilities for improvement that can be protected by patents, while carrying out use tests that also provide new possibilities for improving the product.

Manufacturing of the pre-series of prototypes in Miami: The pre-series or replica units of the prototype, are units that we manufacture by hand, just like the prototype, in our engineering office in Miami specialized in product creation. The pre-series units of a prototype are used to carry out very controlled use tests, as well as some commercial tests. Many companies that launch innovative products in Miami, before manufacturing an innovative product in large quantities, they carry out highly controlled tests to learn about the best sales channels, establish the price and define improvements in product design.

Steps to design a new product in Miami.

Product design in Miami | Steps

  1. We will sign a confidentiality agreement to commit to keeping your product idea. Request NDA
  2. We will study your idea. We will take note of the characteristics of the product you want to design and manufacture.
  3. In the product design stage in Miami, you can participate, Contribute ideas and evaluate the development of your product in digital format, also from our product agency in Miami.

When we finish the product design stage, we will be much closer of being able to manufacture a functional prototype. 

 Prototype manufacturing in Miami | Steps

Once the product design is approved, we will begin with the fprototype manufacturing in our product designer office in Miami. To develop innovative technological products with a certain guarantee of success, it is essential to concentrate the work on the same product development team, even if different technical or engineering disciplines are integrated. 

In our product creation office in Miami, we learned that it is Continuous communication with the client is key to not lose the most important clues, as is also essential for the different departments involved in the product development, are linked and work in a coordinated manner. 

3D printing in Miami: Our 3D printing laboratory in Miami has allowed us to be more agile in the manufacturing of prototypes. The fundamental value of 3D printing is the possibility of trying, making mistakes and correcting elements in the 3D design in a very agile way. Our 3D design team in Miami works in coordination with the prototype development team. electronic and robotic systems, so that your testing needs are materialized immediately to obtain technical validations almost immediately. 

In Miami we have 3 types of techniques to manufacture 3D pieces :

3D printing in Miami with SLA: 3D printing with single-resin curing machines photosensitive. The pieces are manufactured through a process of applying light to a liquid resin that can have very different mechanical and visual characteristics. We frequently use it to physically show the 3D designs of parts and pieces created by our product development team in Miami

3D printing in Miami with FDM: It is based on an extrusion process of plastic filaments with different features. This is a strong print that can achieve less detail than photosensitive resin, but allows for quick and clean confirmation of parts needed in product development

3D printing in Miami with SLS: 3D manufacturing printers with laser rendering, allows you to obtain high quality pieces as well as a very good level of precision. It is usually a more expensive type of 3D printing, but useful in the development of functional prototypes in Miami, due to the level of mechanical resistance of its parts and pieces. 

Other techniques for product developers in Miami:

The manufacturing of steel molds for injecting plastic is a well-known and democratized industrial method in the market. On the other hand, the manufacturing of products with a Mold in Miami is an expensive, slow and unprofitable process during the creation cycle of a product. While a product innovation process is active, what is really important is the speed at which changes are applied. Therefore, plastic injection in molds is an uncommon or unsuitable manufacturing method for manufacturing prototypes. 

On the other hand, in our product developers office in Miami, we can manufacture complex parts with silicone molds, rigid plastic or wooden molds, which They are built by hand. These molds are obviously not useful for manufacturing large quantities of products, but they allow the creation of complex parts useful in the development of prototypes in Miami. 


Useful IOT products in Miami.

Orange Juice Machines with IoT capability: 

The orange is one of the most precious resources in Florida and of course, in the city of Miami. Most orange producers or distributors, in order to maintain direct contact with their clients in the gastronomic sector, offer juicing machines without businesses having to pay for the purchase or rental of the machines. The business commitment is: the free machine in exchange for the commitment to purchase the supply, the oranges. 

But, how can the orange producer or distributor control if the businesses are really fulfilling their commitment? 

In Let's Prototype we have designed a IoT control system, easily adaptable to orange juice machines. This system allows you to quantify in real time the amount of juice that is extracted, the number of oranges that are squeezed and also the number of turns of the juicer system. 

This IOT product developed in our product design agency in Miami, maintains continuous communication with a server, where the data received by each of the active machines in the establishments is received and structured . Once the data is received continuously in the cloud or server, this data is shown to the orange distributor through a mobile application designed by our team in Miami. 

App development in Miami.

The app developed in our mobile application development company in Miami , allows the orange distributor to: configure notifications, identify the status of the machines, count the use of the machines and also, the IoT system app itself. -weight: 400;">, issues alerts when there is no agreement between the quantity of oranges sold to the business and the use of the machine, thus alerting the orange distributor or producer of the possible lack of compliance with the commitments. 

IoT products for agriculture in Miami. 

IoT applications in Miami have a great impact on agriculture. Our IoT development company in Miami has developed multiple crop control systems and other applications. IoTsimilars, for Europe, Puerto Rico and also for farmers in the United States. 

Crop control requires continuous assistance from farmers and workers. Changes in color, alteration in the geometries of the plants or effects on their structure have always been identified by the farmer with his daily work. This way pests or other risk situations for the crop can be identified. 

The IoT products created by our product developers in Miami, have made it possible to substantially reduce human effort, while making crop control more efficient. This is achieved through the development of IoT devices, capable of capturing images, processing them and identifying patterns of change that we have trained, based on the information and knowledge that experienced farmers provide us. The development of mobile apps has also facilitated the interaction of farmers and workers with this information. 

Patent Lawyers in Miami

The product design in Miami is normally accompanied by the need to register patents in the United States. We work with clients who have innovative ideas to manufacture products that subsequently allow the creation of new businesses in Miami. For this reason, the protection of intellectual property is essential in the process of design of innovative products

We work hand in hand with patent attorneys in Miami, who They support our technical team of product developers in Miami to design product protection strategies. , based on innovation claims that are truly disruptive and difficult to replicate or replace. 

If you have a patent in Miami and you need manufacture the idea to demonstrate that it works, before launching into mass production, or you want to reform the idea, to register a patent in Miami safely, we can provide you with technical support in the process of product development

Do you want to turn your idea into a product?

The time to bring your ideas to life is now. We accompany you throughout the entire process: from idea to product.



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