Patenta tu IDEA, que nadie te copie

Te ayudamos a registrar y rentabilizar tu patente.

Let's start
this adventure

Tell us about your project

Podemos transformar tu idea en un producto patentado. Protegemos tu idea del plagio y te acompañamos en el proceso para rentabilizar la patente.

“Para lanzar tu invento, no estás solo”

Si quieres patentar tu idea o producto, podremos guiarte. Habla con nuestros expertos en patentes en:

Prototype Examples

Mechanical prototypes

Medical prototypes

IOT Prototypes

Electronic Protypes

Agriculture Prototypes

Toy Prototypes

Software Prototypes

Textile Prototypes

Machine Prototypes

¿Cómo conseguiremos tu patente?


Analizamos y te aportamos ideas para mejorar tu producto.


Buscaremos en registros de patentes mundiales para crear una estrategia para tu patente


Redactaremos una memoria que realmente sea útil para proteger las claves de tu invento.


Nos encargaremos de todo el proceso hasta conseguir la patente.

Frequently asked questions

The patent is a title, much like a property deed, that certifies the inventor as the owner of the invention. This ownership prevents other individuals or companies from having the right to commercialize the patented invention. Inventor, it's important for you to know that these rights are limited in time.

While it is true that being the holder of invention patents can leave you somewhat at ease, it is also true that it has some associated risks. If you take a look at the official information, you will be able to identify that in the description of your patented invention, sufficient information must be provided for an expert to execute it. This, of course, reveals relevant secrets about your invention or product.

That's right! When you get the patent for your invention, you will have a period of approximately 3 years to exploit the patent. Of course, it can be marketed by you or through a company or person to whom you give these rights. EYE, that's why it is so important before protecting your invention, have a prototype, otherwise, you will have to manufacture your working prototype and seek financing against the clock.

This is the fundamental point of patents on inventions. The claims are the differential characteristics of your product. When analyzing your competitors' patents, you should pay special attention to these arguments. In Prototecnica, we tabulate these characteristics and thus find "gaps" or opportunities to innovate in the prototype.

Like any administrative procedure, there are very well defined deadlines and steps. The good news is that they are all public, so we will have the opportunity to do it ourselves if we think we are capable. The average time is usually between 12 and 36 months. More than the time that elapses from the time it is filed until the patent is obtained for an invention, I recommend you pay the greatest attention to the process of background study and prototyping. These stages are the key to the process.

Methods for protecting inventions

Patents are not the only method or tool available to you to protect your inventions. It is true that it is the most complete tool, as well as the most complex and expensive. The truth is that the methods of protection of inventions are neither better nor worse, they are or are not adequate for each case.


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Podemos fabricar tu invento

CE Marking

Firma del NDA

(Non-Disclosure Agreement)

Antes de contratarnos y sin compromiso, te propondremos nuestro acuerdo NDA de forma anticipada. Posteriormente, estudiaremos tu proyecto. Solicitar NDA

Toma de requisitos

Antes de contratarnos y sin compromiso, te propondremos nuestro acuerdo NDA de forma anticipada. Posteriormente, estudiaremos tu proyecto. Solicitar NDA

Envío del presupuesto

En menos de 72 horas contarás con un presupuesto cerrado. Con el importe que marquemos, asumimos la responsabilidad de conseguir el 100% de los requisitos funcionales de tu prototipo.

Co-creación del prototipo

Once the manufacturing process for your working prototype has been greenlighted, you’ll receive the work schedule and timeline. Each week, you will check your working prototype’s manufacturing status.

Protocolo de entrega

The requirements list will now become a “checklist.” Together, we’ll check that 100% of the functions have been successfully delivered. We are committed to doing so as efficiently as possible.

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