Online patent price calculator.

Welcome to the only place where you can calculate the price of a patent online in less than 10 minutes. Not only will you be able to calculate the price of a patent, but you will also receive in a few minutes, a recommendation report, fully tailored to your needs, which will be very useful for you to make decisions.

Calculate patent price online

Calculate patent price online

¿Dónde quieres proteger tu Patente de Invento?

¿En qué consiste tu innovación?

¿Por cuánto tiempo quieres proteger el invento?

Estado del proyecto

¿Cuánto puedes invertir en el registro de tu patente?

Datos del inventor

¿Cuántos inventores son propietarios de la idea?

Según la información que has aportado y sin que represente un compromiso para Let´s Prototype, los resultados de su cálculo son:

How does the Let’s Prototype online patent price calculator work?

The online patent price calculator from Let’s Prototype is an algorithm that summarizes the experience of the invention development team over 17 years of activity in both Europe and the United States.

The patent price calculator collects a set of basic data from the inventor and their invention, as well as their protection priorities and available financial resources to invest in protecting the invention. With this information, the online patent price calculator will generate a report in less than a minute, completely free and tailored to the inventor’s needs, based on the data entered in the online patent calculator.

What can I expect from the online patent price calculator?

The algorithm of the online patent price calculator combines the data provided by inventors to create a tailored report with useful advice for the inventor to make decisions about the patenting process. The online patent price calculator allows obtaining an estimated patent price, taking into account the sector, the duration for which the invention needs to be protected, the development stage of the invention, and the amount of money the inventor intends to invest in the legal protection of their invention.

The advice report resulting from the online patent price calculator, in addition to calculating patent prices, provides advice on the best countries to patent an idea, as well as a detailed description of how to internationalize a patent.

How long does the online patent price calculator take to generate the patent advice report?

The online patent price calculator is set up to provide results on patent budgets in less than 1 minute. You’ll be able to read detailed information organized into the key blocks of the inventor advice report for those who want to patent an invention.

Why has Let’s Prototype created an online patent price calculator?

Most inventors have doubts about the appropriate methods to protect an invention. Misinformation and lack of initial investment are unfortunately ingredients that lead inventors to make disastrous decisions for the future development of their inventions.

At Let’s Prototype, we have a very serious commitment to the community of inventors and entrepreneurs who are firmly committed to developing an invention.

What is the accuracy of the patent price calculator?

Calculating the price of a patent is a highly unique process, conditioned by the technical details and innovation claims that underpin the possibility of patenting an invention. 

At Let’s Prototype, we’ve accumulated experience working with our allies in the patent legal department in Spain and patent experts in the United States. After over a decade working with inventors from around the world, we’ve developed an algorithm with over 90% effectiveness in the immediate responses provided by the patent price calculator.

It’s highly recommended not to rely solely on advice and definitions regarding the budget for a patent; it’s almost as important as the recommendations regarding invention protection strategy provided by the recommendations report.

¡Claro que sí! Estoy aquí para ayudarte con cualquier pregunta adicional que tengas sobre la posibilidad de patentar un invento. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?

¡Perfecto! Nuestro equipo técnico recibirá tu información y se pondrá en contacto contigo para proporcionarte más detalles sobre las posibilidades de patentar tu idea. Además del informe de patentes, también ofrecemos una consulta gratuita con nuestros expertos en patentes para ayudarte a desarrollar una estrategia para patentar tu invento.

Does the online patent price calculator determine if the invention already exists?

To determine if an invention already exists, a background search or state-of-the-art report is necessary. This study relies on research methodology to ascertain if your invention has been patented before or if patented techniques affect your product’s patentability.

Unfortunately, our online patent calculator has the capability to offer you excellent patent advice, guidance on the steps to register a patent, but it is not connected to sources of information about registered patents. Nevertheless, the background search is a service that our technical team can provide. You can also conduct your own research into the possibility of registering an idea as a patent. We encourage you to study the article we have published to teach you how to conduct a free patent background search.

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